This one is not that special, but it is pretty funny.
At this big fireworks celebration for the ending of the brunt of Chinese New Year, they have both real big fireworks and thousands upon thousands of little firecrackers. For the latter, they set up big firework stands that shoot up bottle rockets. Then they put them on their side and shoot them into a crowd of people (on purpose). I was originally going to put one of the better (its a pain to photograph, too much smoke, and you know, the threat of my camera taking a direct hit) photos of fireworks pouring into a crowd of people and calling that a silly human trick. Instead I put up this one because it emphasized one person rather than a crowd of people.
This guy, and his two wives went out into the open area they cleared for the stands before things got going. Thus in front of a great deal of people (when you include the massive crowd that could see from the temple, think over a thousand). They each got a $1,000 NT for embarassing themselves (about $33).
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