Friday, September 30, 2005

Pick your theme with this picture. This was taken without a flash, at 1600 ISO. It is of my friends playing a Japanese drinking game. It had a 2/5 shutter. I zoomed out from the game after hitting it, which causes that edge in the middle of the photo (and all of the effect is "real," the computer only did contrast and such. So you can do drinking games, hands, no flash in dark, or hands even, whatever.

I can't put a title, so, well shit. So what is in my fridge? Beer and yogurt. 90% of things we eat we get from one of the millinos of little food places around here, all of which cost virtually nothing. For like $3 you can eat very very well. I had so so Sushi for $3 tonight. $5 will buy you a very very fancy nice meal. My lunch is normally about $2.
The photo is a long shutter (thirteen seconds).
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Saturday, September 24, 2005
This is an image of Nan in a Majongg board. I live in Nanguo, in Tainan, in the Nan. So Nan is an important character for me (South). So the photo is me coming to grips with where I am.
I have other photos that I may like better waiting, but I wanted to get this one out of the way first. It is also our first b/w.

Ultimately I decided to go with something that just seemed out of place, or a photo that reminded me somewhat of your own.
In this case it was because of something being so out of place.
Tell me if it has just WAY too much contrast. On the Mac it shows very subtle contrast nicely, so I actually raise the contrast, but windows monitors, well, suck.