Monday, October 24, 2005

I debated for a while on what to post. You gave me so much time, my library grew leaps and bounds. Eventually I decided this one would be good for the duel because you can pick on a lot of different themes.

This little stand Weirded me out with a capital W. They make hand molds I guess. Everyone was so into it, I never really got an explanation for why it was a Nazi party. Anyway, you can go nuts on what theme to run with, weird stuff, hands, text, reading, Nazis...
I came out of this weekend with an absurd number of photographs of my scooter. I came from this last one with a whole lot of excess photos, but if anyone wants to see my scooter, I totally have that covered! Most of them are standard shots, and I think a few that did not make the cut are worth something.

The first shot is of Rie and the scooter. I like it because she basically lives back there these days. In later photos I used the rear view mirror better, but none looked as good as this one.

This was taken with the camera sitting on the seat in super low light. I just fiddled with the keys. Its not super good, but I think it is interesting. The others ones are good, but not super good, but not interesting. So this made the cut.

I was AMPED about this photo (and still am). The camera was sitting on a ledge next to the scooter. Its actually one of my favorite photos that I have taken. Not only do I think it looks tight, but it looks genuinly better in Sepia, which rocks hard! I think it was nine second exposure. I was in it for about five or six seconds. Check out the full sized image, it really was lucky.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

So i got this new bike, and I feel like showing it off. So i want portrait shots of your mode of transportation. At least 3 shots, so lets see what your scoot has to offer. Of hell if you feel like doing the buss good luck, but i doubt the driver would stop it so you could take some pics, but then again those Taiwanese are supposed to love americans so who knows.

Ok sorry this took so long, good old midterms...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

This photo should be way better but I don't have the lens for it. The point is the McD's and the Cros over the city, Western Imperialism sort of thing. That as a theme would not be super fair, so we will go with fast food.

I always love a photo that looks good in Sepia. So few do. And this actually looks better in Sepia than black and white. This fish was sashimi, that we ate it, OFF OF THE STILL LIVING BREATHING AND OCCASIONALLY TWITCHING FISH. Like literally his meat piled onto the fish, it was so crazy (and as you might imagine, a touch fresh/good). It had a lot of competition for verticle shots. I actually took a crap load of photos, but most of the good ones are horizontal, so I will be using them coming up.